About the company

rbq Engineering Ltd. (rbq) is an Electrical Engineering firm dedicated to sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions reductions, with a passion to Engineer a Sustainable Future.

Sustainability is here to stay or we may not be. Niall FitzGerald

Our specialist experience is in electric vehicle (EV) charging, Electrical Planning Reports (EPRs), building electrifications, and building condition assessments.

Our team has many decades of experience, working on projects throughout North America, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific region, spanning all phases of the building life cycle, including assessments, project feasibility and master planning, project management, design and documentation, construction administration, and maintenance planning.

Our team is committed (and/or obsessive) in relation to quality and detail, to ensure every project achieves the optimum outcome.

BC has established ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets, as follows.

Historical emissions are as follows.

Transportation is the highest contributor to GHG emissions in BC, accounting for over 36%.

As part of efforts to achieve the GHG emissions reduction targets, electric vehicle (EV) adoption goals have been established.

Reasons to drive EVs in BC include the following.

New car registrations of EVs, as a percentage of total registrations in Canada and BC, are as follows. BC leads North America in terms of adoption per capita.

Reasons for property managers and Stratas to install EV charging, include the following.

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To accommodate adoption of EVs, infrastructure is necessary. For new residential construction, twenty municipalities have introduced requirements. With no legal mechanism to require charging in existing buildings, incentives (CleanBC) have been provided, as follows.

The initial process in implementing EV charging, is to perform an assessment, including the following major components. CleanBC refers to the assessment as an EV Ready Plan.

Refer to the following diagram for the complete process for implementation of charging.