rbq’s personnel have been extensively involved in the development of EV charging strategies, and contributed to the development of municipality requirements and incentive programs, that exist today. Our personnel’s experience includes:

·        Preparation of EV charging assessments/EV Ready Plans for numerous residential and commercial facilities;

·        Strategic planning of EV charging networks;

·        Development of EV charging requirements with municipalities;

·        Contribution to the development of incentive programs;

·        Design of numerous EV charging systems for residential and commercial facilities;

·        Development of EV charging costing studies and associated guides for policymakers, developers, and designers;

·        Research projects on EV charging systems;

·        Pilot projects for EV charging systems;

·        Initiation of electrical code changes to facilitate efficient EV charging system design;

·        Working with researchers, policy makers, and manufacturers to improve technical understanding of the most cost-effective solutions;

·        Planning and policy making relating to zero emissions mobility, including comprehensive Electric Mobility Plans for local governments and post-secondary campuses.


Buildings represent a major contributor to GHG emissions in BC, behind only the transportation and oil and gas sectors. In order to achieve net-zero building (i.e. net zero carbon by 2030) and overall GHG emissions reductions targets, transition (i.e. building electrification) from fossil fuel-based appliances for space heating, water heating, cooking, and laundry, with suitable electrical alternatives, is necessary.

Rapid development and increased availability of new technologies to achieve the transition, particularly in relation to space heating (e.g. heat pumps), have occurred over the last few years, in order to meet the increasing demand.

The transition has a major impact on electrical systems of buildings, requiring appropriate assessment and analysis to ensure the most cost-effective solutions are achieved. Building electrifications impact the electrical capacity of buildings, which has consequences for installation of EV charging, and therefore should be considered in conjunction.

rbq’ personnel have been working on building electrification projects for over a decade, on numerous projects for both commercial and residential buildings. Initial projects were for the government sector, but with heightened awareness of opportunities for cost savings, and introduction of incentives, increasingly the projects involve the private sector.


Building condition assessments are important in identifying issues with a building, and allow informed decisions to be made in relation to planning of repairs and maintenance. Any critical issues, where/if they exist, can be highlighted prior to costly failure and/or safety incident.

Appropriate maintenance of electrical systems is required under the Canadian Electrical Code (CSA C22.1:21 Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, Safety Standard for Electrical Installations), and as detailed in standard CSA Z463-18 (Maintenance of electrical systems). Various municipalities also have requirements in terms maintenance, such as the City of Vancouver Standards of Maintenance By-Law No. 5462.  

Building condition assessments represent a fundamental process in the maintenance of buildings, and facilitate appropriate informed planning of renovations and upgrades. The assessments also often provide valuable information in relation to the potential for accommodating future additional loads associated with EV charging, building electrifications, and/or additional air conditioning. While not providing the degree of information available from a dedicated energy audit, the reports also typical provide comment on potential energy efficiency improvement measures.

The assessments are also valuable when a building is to be purchased or leased, to ensure appropriate understanding of the condition of equipment, and necessary future maintenance expenditures.

There is considerable variability in relation to the detail and quality of building condition assessments. rbq provides professional engineering level assessments and associated documentation, by personnel that have performed such assessments for decades.